Comparatively Study of Polymer and Regular Coagulant for
Municipal Waste Water Treatment
Ronak Desai[1] ,Omprakash Sahu[2]
Page No. 82-91
A polymer-based coagulant and flocculent agent was tested in this study in order to treat urban
wastewater. Polymer-based coagulant and flocculent agent has showed a high effectiveness in
turbidity removal (almost 100%, depending on the dosage) and around 50% of BOD5 and COD
removal, which makes polymer-based coagulant and flocculent agent an appropriate coagulant
agent with efficiency that is comparable to alum's. Coagulant and flocculent process does not
depend on temperature, and optimum agitation speed and time have been found to be 40 rpm for 30
min. Polyphenol content does not increase drastically, and 30% of anionic surfactants are removed.
Sedimentation process seems to be a flocculent separation so Sludge Volumetric Index and its
evolution with flocculent dosage have been determined. Polymer-based coagulant and flocculent
agent has been revealed as a quite effective coagulant and flocculent agent in wastewater
Keywords: BOD; COD, Coagulant; Flocculent; Turbidity
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