New Fuzzy Logic Model for Effort Estimation in Software Module Development
Prof. (Dr.) Vishwa Nath Maurya1 , Dr. Rajender Kumar Bathla2 , Er. Avadhesh Kumar
Maurya3 , Diwinder Kaur Arora4
Page No. 10-16
In the present paper, a new fuzzy logic approach for software development time estimation is
proposed. In section 1, an introduction along with work done by previous researchers in the relevant
field of software estimation is described. In section 2, fuzzy logic approach is presented. Section 3
addresses the parameters analysis under our present consideration. The methodology used here is
based on empirical model studied by some previous noteworthy researchers. Using the fuzzy logic
approach, results are investigated and are presented in section 5. As a numerical illustration, the
membership function plots corresponding to table 5.1 are shown in figures 5.1-5.4. Here, the
advantages of fuzzy logic and good generalization are obtained. The major difference between our
proposed work and previous works is that two-sided Gaussian membership function in fuzzy
technique has been used for software development time estimation and then it is validated with
gathered data. Finally, some significant conclusions are drawn in section 6.
Keywords: Software engineering, software metric, software effort estimation, Fuzzy logic
approach, COCOMO model
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