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An Eye-Bird View of Facing Scarcity of Gold Mining in Indonesia

Ukar W. Soelistijo1 , Binarko Santoso2, Triswan Suseno3
Page No. 11-29


It is realized that based on the life time of extraction of the existing gold deposits in Indonesia,
gold production faces scarcity or does not exceed within the next thirty years from now or
seventy years after the COW production started in the early of 1970s, it is recommended that the
new continuing activity of exploration should be reinvented with the new climate of investment
policy including fiscal regime and the right supportive regulation should be enforced.
Modification or improvement of the related regulations to the mining activity such as the laws or
regulations of forestry, environmental protection, tax, regional autonomy, and labor should also
necessarily be carried out. Toward creating this condition, the new policy regime should be
reintroduced with the spirit of creating new incentives. Geologically, the prospective exploratory
area could be carried out in volcanic arc, epithermal zone, ‘ring of fire’ and even in goldbearing
sedimentary rocks.
Key words: Indonesia, gold mining, scarcity

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